What are your thoughts about Robbie? We’ve build Robbie – a chatbot to demonstrate how it can facilitate a customer interaction. The look&feel can be customised to fit with the brand. It doesn’t have to look like a chat and it can enhance existing features, for example: lead generation, quote configurator, restaurant menu.

Big brands are changing the way it interacts with their customers. In the past years Customer Call Centre evolved into Live Chat support. Now Chatbots are automating this process to increase customer experience without any staff interaction.

Free chat bot integration - Apply now!

Apply now for free chatbot integration.

How to integrate a chatbot

There are platforms ( intercom.com, chatbot.com, manychat.com ) that helps building bots which can be integrated in any websites. Depending on subscribers and selected plan this can cost between £300 to £1000 per year.
We can build a custom chatbot and include it in our website maintenance package, saving at least 50% each year.

How can a chatbot enhance your business

80% of brands plan to use chatbots in 2020, so what processes can a chatbot assist with. Which of the following scenarios:

  • Customer Help centre: GoDaddy’s Live Chat provides a seamless interaction with the bot to identify what Article or Guide may suit their Customer need (https://uk.godaddy.com/help?)
  • New Staff Onboarding: helping staff to find the right things (an example can be Zendesk Answer Bot: https://www.zendesk.com/answer-bot/)
  • Meeting schedule bot: finding a time and date that suits everyone invited
  • Lead generation: gather details from customer
  • Booking reservation:  booking a reservation, or even taken an order from a customer

If your business is using a call script or an FAQ section on your site to enhance customer experience – this can be transformed in a Chatbot.